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How-To Guides Gallery

How-To Guides are easy to follow “maps” to implement a lesson, project, initiative, etc. We have guides that describe student well-being lessons, how to set up a makerspace, use an industry professional in the classroom and more!

How To: Register & Create a Profile in Educator Pro Connect

Laurie King

Educator Pro Connect supports teachers in Arizona, by connecting them with industry professionals to enhance real-world classroom applications and bring awareness to college and career pathways. This How-To guide provides helpful tips in setting up a teacher account and profile to maximize the connections to industry professionals

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How To: Plan Your Makerspace

Laurie King

This How-To guide provides steps to consider and reflection questions to guide an educator through the process of planning a makerspace. The process of creating a makerspace environment is driven through understanding the needs of the students and the vision for what the students will experience as they tinker and explore.

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How To: Connect Students with Industry Professionals

Laurie King

Connecting students with industry professionals opens up potential pathways to new learning and future opportunities. This How-To guide provides information on how to identify potential industry professionals, plan for the presentation, facilitate the discussion, and support students in reflecting on their new learning.

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