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4041 N. Central Ave., Ste. 1200
Phoenix, AZ 85012




Assessed Valuations 2017

Using Citrix VoicePrint is easy. Once configured for you, basic commands such as “Open School ERP Pro” or “Launch Workflow” will become available for your user profile. For districts hosted by MCSS you will first need to provide a VoicePrint in order for the system to recognize you. This is entirely optional, but highly recommended in order to protect your login from the more common passphrase hacking that have plagued school districts and other businesses.

When you are ready to link your account for VoicePrint, click the button below and repeat the paragraph clearly. Since your computer or phone already has a built-in microphone there is no special setup needed. When done, click the I am done button at the bottom.

“I (your name here) allow the Maricopa County School Superintendent’s Office to use my voice to authenticate my login. I understand that I may revoke this access at any time.”