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Industry Challenges Collection

Filtering by Tag: Medicine

Medical Patent Challenge

Laurie King

The Medical Patent Challenge is a Solve It! Spotlight Challenge. Solve It is a series of STEM Challenges developed by the Office of the Maricopa County School Superintendent that challenge students to solve real-world challenges that impact their lives or passions.

The challenge is to think like a Bioscience professional and design a solution for a Student/Athlete who is: dehydrated or rehabilitating or preventing an injury.

🔥 Also, check out the STEM Pro Live episodes with different medical field professionals, they make great introductions to the lesson plans and connect students with real-world learning.

Medical Patent Challenge

Industry Spotlights and STEM Pro Live! Episodes with Medical Professionals

Did you know that bones are being 3D printed and transplanted into feet during medical procedures? Dr. Jeffrey Jensen and medical student Ashlee Starr from Midwestern University College of Podiatric Medicine shared with teachers and students all about the interesting profession of podiatry.

Learn about medical technology careers from professionals at Medtronic.


Dr. Marysol Luna is proof that you don’t have to take a traditional route in education to achieve remarkable success. What started out with an interest in the human body lead to a career in biomedical engineering. Be inspired by her story and what lead her to become the first Latina to earn her Ph.D in mechanical engineering from Cornell University.