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How-To Guides Gallery

How-To Guides are easy to follow “maps” to implement a lesson, project, initiative, etc. We have guides that describe student well-being lessons, how to set up a makerspace, use an industry professional in the classroom and more!

How To: Plan an Esports Club

Laurie King

Establishing an Esports Club can have a positive impact on students and the school community:

  • Promotes teamwork - Esports encourages collaboration and teamwork among students as they compete in teams.

  • Develops Critical Thinking - Competitive gaming requires strategy and critical thinking skills.

  • Fosters Inclusivity - Esports can be inclusive, welcoming students with diverse interests and abilities.

  • Provides Career Opportunities - It can introduce students to potential career paths in the gaming and esports industry.

Submitted by: Troy Rivera, Desert Meadows Elementary School, Laveen Elementary School District