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Promising Practices Collection

Filtering by Tag: Technology Integration

Technology Transformations

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Students use the design process to transform one type of technology into another. I begin by putting out various electronic items (they do not have to work) and letting each group pick an item. Then we begin the design process. They brainstorm things they can possibly make out of their item or the parts from their technology.

Students then plan, build, improve and create. Finally, they share their final project. For example: one group of students took an electric toothbrush and transformed it into a fake tattoo machine using ink; another group took an RC car motor and plastic pieces and turned it into a boat with a propellor that worked in their pool; another group transformed a beanie hat into a mini backpack and used the wire for straps and created a button.

Submitted by: Misty Schreiber, Las Sendas Elementary, Mesa Public Schools

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