Know Who Represents You and Your School
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Arizona educators have found themselves in a historic moment. At the time of this post, most schools in the state are shut down for the fourth day in a row. Educators and supporters have been gathering at the capitol to protest low pay and school funding.
If you are one of those educators, and you desire to have your voice heard, the following information can support your efforts in connecting to the right people.
We also included a summary of the Governor’s budget proposal provided by our friends at Expect More Arizona.
What Legislative District (LD) Do I Live In/Work In? is an interactive map of Arizona. It shows the representatives for each LD, and provides information to where they meet (LD meetings) and other contact information. (It works best on a desktop computer.)
How Have State Legislators Voted On Education Issues In The Past?
Friends of ASBA compiled a document titled How Arizona Legislators Voted in 2017 on High Priority K-12 Education Bills. The information is separated into two pages. The first includes data about the legislative district itself with the names and party affiliation of each elected representative, the partisan split of registered voters, and data regarding voter turnout in the 2016 general election. It also includes race/ethnicity of the total population, and the population under age 18 within the district. Also, note the number of school districts within each legislative district and the student enrollment of each.
The second page displays the voting record of each legislator in that district on key K-12 education bills. These are grouped into three focus areas: funding, vouchers and local control.