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Promising Practices Collection

Filtering by Category: 📣 Ed Leadership

Lead Out Loud

Laurie King

I co-sponsor a group on campus called, Lead Out Loud. We select students from 4th-6th grade that are leaders or have the potential to be leaders on our campus. The students collaborate on projects such as: Socktober (collecting and donating socks to a local homeless shelter), an interactive bulletin board where students can share positive messages with others, writing appreciation notes to teachers on Thankful Thursdays, working with our entire school and district leaders to use stipend money for school enhancements.

Submitted by: Jennifer Waddington, Frances Brandon-Pickett Elementary, Queen Creek Unified School District

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Pair it Down

Laurie King

Pair It Down is a strategy I use with my Middle School students to build self-confidence and leadership skills. Once we have learned a new standard, students are asked to create a 5-10 minute demonstration of their learning to share with a younger student.

Submitted by: Melissa Potts, Estrella Foothills Global Academy, Laveen Elementary School District

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Day of Service

Laurie King

During one day a quarter, my honors juniors and seniors, help improve our schools grounds. Teachers sign up with a project and the students work together to schedule times and appointments for the "jobs". This is the second year we've done it and it gets bigger and better every time. We are a small school, but have pre K-12 grades on our campus, so there are a lot of opportunities for the "big" kids to help with and mentor the "little kids".

Submitted by: Amy Smith, EDUPRIZE Gilbert, EDUPRIZE Schools

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Building Community Engagement through Mus

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Holding an evening music concert for every grade level over the course of the year is an exciting and engaging way to grow your community involvement. These events can become student projects where multiple content areas such as: Math, English, Reading, Writing can be incorporated.

Submitted by: Alyssa Weed, Acacia Elementary, Washington Elementary School District

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Self Care for Educators

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Self care for educators is crucial to avoid burn out, develop health stress management, and survive! Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation are some examples of simple self care techniques that educators can adopt.

Submitted by: Beth Tyrell-Prevost, Summit Academy, Mesa, AZ.

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