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Promising Practices Collection

Filtering by Tag: Assessment

Pair it Down

Laurie King

Pair It Down is a strategy I use with my Middle School students to build self-confidence and leadership skills. Once we have learned a new standard, students are asked to create a 5-10 minute demonstration of their learning to share with a younger student.

Submitted by: Melissa Potts, Estrella Foothills Global Academy, Laveen Elementary School District

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Using Kahoot for Fun, New Knowledge, and Review

Guest User

Kahoot is a "game website" where you can use others content or create your own of ANYTHING. I have created vocabulary or content review sessions. There are also options that others have created around holidays, TV shows, literally every content area. Students enjoy it for the competitive piece that makes the learning more fun. The top three students get put on a podium and the more points you score before time is up drives the "game". You can do it as a whole class, or even assign it as an individual task. There are also options for collaborations and lesson embedding options.

Submitted by: Christina Salazar, Legend Springs Elementary School, Deer Valley Unified School District.

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Inquiry Journaling in Math

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Inquiry journaling in math is a great way to start a new standard. Generally, I will show an image along with some guiding questions for students to start thinking about the new content. By allowing for inquiry time, students will pull from their background knowledge and they will have time to explore and come up with their own reasoning prior to being given definitions or formulas for the math.

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Grounding Technique

Laurie King

A grounding technique is a method used to help individuals bring their focus back to what is currently happening to them or their environment at the moment. This grounding technique helps provide the individual with the opportunity to use their five senses to refocus. The technique can be applied virtually or in person and with any age group.

Submitted by: Cristina Hidalgo Holiday, Insight Academy of Arizona.

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